Hodge-Martin-Chatfield Museum


Rob Jones | [email protected] |   (903) 654-2066

Mission Statement: To advance historical appreciation for the part played in Texas and American History by the extended Hodge Family, Chatfield and the surrounding area, and persons associated therewith in this region, an area outside the one-crop cotton ante-bellum economy and having a more diversified agricultural and small industrial base. The museum organizes and sponsors educational activities such as virtual museum exhibits online, seminars, symposia, demonstrations, living history events, historical markers, tours, and ultimately will have a physical museum with exhibits consistent with its purposes.

Geographic service area: Texas

Project Scope

Project #1


  • An improved website that more completely shows the Museum's activities, goals, and projects in furthering appreciation for the part that Chatfield and persons associated with the community, including the extended Hodge family, have played in Texas and American History.


Ultimately, they need a website from the ground up.  Rob already has a lot of content created, as well as pictures, that need to be uploaded and formatted for the website.  Ideally, he'd like to be able to post events, accept registration, and take payment directly through the website.


  • Map out the layout and hieracrchy of the new site
  • Add content for History / About / Contact Info / Events
  • Highlight June 2017 event - may want option to create/edit future events
  • Registration and payment feature for events
  • May want payment/donation feature
  • Training and documentation on how to use Squarespace

Museum project that they put together for their family.  501 charity.  Promotes heritage and history of the community.   Rob has graphics and text that he wants to bring.  For the Mexico visit in 2017 they want to be able to integrate in signups and payments.  Has budget for Squarespace.  Understands may be additional cost to integrate registration and payments.  

Project is very doable in a weekend.  


Project Scoper - Colin Lancaster & Dan Malagari

Organization Contact for Scoping - Rob Jones